Climate RVAs - presentation
Advocating for a cross-sectoral recognition of risks & Developing prescient mitigation action plans Author: UTARTU
Environment protection in Chorzele Municipality | Ewelina Biernacka
Topics covered: Climate change is one of the biggest challenges in the modern world. Local authorities play a key role in achieving energy and climate protection goals. Local…
Adapterra Awards: Czech National Adaptation Award | Martin Ander
Topics covered: Short introduction of the Czech National Adapterra Awards contest Benefits for target groups (public administration, project designers, developers) Significance…
Water retention in practices – Local and regional level | Dr. Petra Szatzker
Topics covered: shortly about the water situation in Hungary and the effects of climate change effective and sustainable solutions for the issues - the role of NWRMs and the…
Climate change adaptation in sustainable energy and climate planning | Elis Vollmer
Topics covered: Protecting Infrastructure and Energy Supply Reducing Economic Impact Enhancing Energy Security Mitigating Health Risks Supporting Sustainable Development Meeting…
High-level planning on the highest mountain | Dr. Béla Munkácsy
Topics covered: energy planning related research programme with energy poverty mapping in the area information day on energy poverty (in the framework of PowerPoor project) an…
Energy poverty advocacy & local solutions: The role of a housing NGO | Nóra Feldmár
Topics covered: Habitat for Humanity two-pillar approach: advocacy and direct support towards households/communities Context: available housing related state subsidies and energy…
Exploring energy poverty at multiple scales | João Pedro Gouveia
Topic covered: address the problem of energy poverty in Europe, provide policy context and showcase current vulnerable situation, we will also unfold its multiple dimensions,…
Križevci – from crowdfunding to energy independence | Mario Rajn
The vision of the City of Križevci is to become an energy-independent city and a city resistant to climate change by 2030.
ELENA – Making the investments happens | Andreas Piontek
Topics covered:
How can ELENA help to prepare investments in energy efficiency in urban infrastructure, so that the investments can be made.
Our Speaker
The Energy Poverty Advisory Hub work | Dora Biondani
Topics covered: Presentation of the different resources available from the Energy Poverty Advisory Hub Insight on the result of some Technical Assistance to municipalities…
Policy recommendation for better SECAPs | Miguel Morcillo
Topics covered: The CoM (Covenant Of Mayors) EU in numbers Challenges of the eastern municipalities by the development and implementation of SECAPs How the CoM Office want to…
Taking local action on the global crisis - the role of City networks | Thomas Brose
Topics covered: local level is key for finding solutions to combat climate change and achieve a more sustainable development; to be able to act cities need the appropriate legal…
LIFE Clean Energy Transition: support to the implementation of energy and climate action plans | Michele Sansoni
Topics covered:
Opportunities for municipalities to implement their SECAPs
Project Development Assistance, One-Stop Shops, EU City Facility and ManagEnergy
Our Speaker
New wind farm development in Ukraine | Taras Kachmarchuk
Topics covered: General presentation of Vestas as a company and what we do. Our presence and achievements in the Eastern Europe region. Challenging conditions to operate in…
Community energy as a new opportunity for Municipalities | Fanni Sáfián-Faraks & Márton Fabók
Topics covered:
Energy: public good or market commodity?
Municipal public services hit by the energy crisis
Municipalisation and energy autonomy
Our Speaker
„Think Battery” – Becoming more dynamic in energy consumption | András György Deák
Topics covered: Energy transition will proceed amid major technological gaps in the next 15-20 years - the electricity storage challenge is far the most acute of them. While the…