19.600 (2000)
410 km2
2010: 62.286t
2030: 31.371t

The SECAP has been developed for the Hradecký venkov region, which encompasses 38 small municipalities, each with its own local government. The entire area is located west of the city of Hradec Králové in the Královéhradecký Region at an elevation ranging from 280 to 320 meters above sea level. The region is characterized by its agricultural nature and picturesque landscape, featuring fields, meadows, and forests.

Emission Reduction

Individual municipalities within the Hradecký venkov region plan to implement a range of measures targetng publicly owned buildings. Among the significant identified opportunities for reducing energy consumption are the reconstruction of kindergartens in the municipalities of Neděliště and Číbuz. Another major project involves the renovation of the school in the municipality of Mžany, as well as the school in the municipality of Libčany. In the municipality of Hoříněves, up to 310 MWh per year can be saved through insulation and reconstruction of four residential buildings. Overall, the municipalities can establish photovoltaic power plants on 44 buildings with a total annual electricity production capacity of 1200 MWh. Similar amounts of electricity can be saved by modernizing public lighting and transitioning to LED technology. Household energy consumption, primarily in single-family homes, accounts for a significant portion of energy usage in the region. For these households, the establishment of an information center and a campaign to improve access to subsidy programs focusing on insulation and renewable sources are being considered. These measures can also help combat energy poverty and contribute to the practical development of community energy schemes.

Adaptation to Climate Change

Based on a risk and vulnerability analysis, the most probable risks identified are associated with rising temperatures and risks related to heavy rainfall, floods, and inundation. In areas with higher urbanization, the vulnerable parts are more susceptible to high air temperatures and overheating. Additionally, the region’s specifically varied terrain poses a significant risk of flash floods. Selected measures include specific flood prevention measures, shading elements, revitalization of playgrounds, as well as the revitalization of swimming pools and ponds.

The SECAP was created by ENVIROS and supported by CEESEU project.

The entire document is available on the link below in Romanian language.

SECAP – Hradecký venkov, Czech Republic

The SECAP was implemented with the support of the CEESEU project. The CEESEU project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement GA: 892270.
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