At the beginning of the Training, the state of policies in the field of Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency in Slovenia has been presented. After that, the representatives of the companies Kronoterm, Biomasa and the Cooperative of Solar Power Plants of Slovenia, presented Technologies that are currently in use in the field of RES. The presentations included information’s about Heat Pumps, Wood Biomass (Boilers, district heating systems and Biomass logistics centres) and Net Metering. After a short break followed the presentation about current financing opportunities and possibilities in Slovenia. The representative of GOLEA presented the Fundraising of Cohesion Fund (open Call, procedures, etc.). EKO Sklad (ECO Fund) presented their open calls for financing of actions for individuals, companies and local communities. The workshop closed with a presentation about the establishment of biomass logistics centres in different European Countries.
The presentations of different technologies have led to an open discussion about the implementation of different technologies in different situations, depending on the size of a building, weather conditions in winter or summer, comparison of different Technologies in terms of Energy efficiency, performance and most important of all the payback periods of investments in those technologies. The second part about financing opportunities gave us an overview about open National Calls for financing of energy renovations.
The representatives of our Stakeholder Group (mostly Municipalities) had the opportunity to get information’s about possible Technologies for energy efficiency and the use of renewable sources of energy and on the other hand, they received all necessary information’s about the possibilities of funding those technologies in their buildings. It was a great opportunity for Municipalities to step into direct contact with providers of different Technologies.
For more informations , trainings report and study materials please look into the right side of document manue