Meet the Climate Alliance – partner of the CEESEN-BENDER project

In a timely move aimed at tackling energy poverty head-on, the Climate Alliance has officially partnered with the CEESEN-BENDER project. This exciting collaboration marks an important milestone in the fight against energy poverty, as two powerhouse organizations (Climate Alliance and CESEEN) join forces in this EU-funded LIFE  project to make a tangible difference in the lives of vulnerable communities across Central and Eastern Europe.

For over 30 years, Climate Alliance member municipalities have been acting in partnership with indigenous rainforest peoples for the benefit of the global climate. With nearly 2,000 members spread across more than 25 countries, Climate Alliance is the largest European city network dedicated to fair and comprehensive climate action. Climate Alliance brings in its experience with supporting municipalities in their efforts to fight energy poverty channeling results to the leading EU initiative on local action against energy poverty: the Energy Poverty Advisory Hub. In answering how climate protection and adaptation should be practiced in our cities and towns, Climate Alliance pairs local action with global responsibility. 

In fact, experts from Climate Alliance have contributed to several CEESEN projects while participating also in the CEESEU-DIGIT project and contributing as an experts in CEESEN-BENDER project.

Shaping climate action

Climate Alliance’s track record of success speaks for itself. Since its inception, the organization has been a driving force behind initiatives such as the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy, which has garnered the support of over 10,000 local authorities across Europe and beyond. As a key player in both the European and international contexts, Climate Alliance continues to lead the charge in facilitating meaningful action on climate change at the local level.

The towns and cities of the Alliance have each passed a local resolution on membership in which they embrace the association’s goals. These are:

  • To strive for a 95 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 compared to 1990 levels, in line with IPCC recommendations.
  • To implement effective and comprehensive climate action in accordance with Climate Alliance principles.
  • To promote climate justice together with indigenous peoples by supporting their rights, protecting biodiversity and abstaining from the use of unsustainably managed timber.

A comprehensive approach

Climate Alliance has developed a comprehensive methodology to assist its members in preparing, implementing, and monitoring their local climate and energy plans. This includes cutting-edge CO2 monitoring tools to track emissions reductions and a benchmarking system to enhance the learning experience. Leveraging its extensive experience coordinating and participating in various EC projects, Climate Alliance brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table, making it a natural fit for the ambitious goals of the CEESEN-BENDER project.

Climate Alliance is responsible in the CEESEN-BENDER project for set-up and coordination of support tools and capacity-building of energy professionals, while taking the lead for developing the training materials on providing consultations to vulnerable groups related to energy poverty.

In the CEESEN-BENDER project, Eva Suba and Karine Jegiazarjana contribute with their expertise, to provide the valuable knowhow of Climate Alliance to the international partnership of this project.

With Climate Alliance’s experts on board, the CEESEN-BENDER project is poised to make an even greater impact in the fight against energy poverty. By leveraging Climate Alliance’s extensive network, expertise, and resources, the project aims to empower vulnerable communities, foster sustainable development, and pave the way for a brighter, greener future for all.

Learn more about Climate Alliance: