More than half a hundred people gathered at the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade in Prague for the final event of the RESINDUSTRY project.

Industrial activities being one of the largest contributors to carbon emissions in European Union, it is essential that governments implement changes in policies that reduce carbon emissions and limit the impact on the environment. RESINDUSTRY just focused on finding solutions for the problem as focus of the project was promoting the adoption of renewable energy solutions in industrial settings to support sustainable development.

During the event, attendees were informed about the project’s objectives for phase 1 and the impressive results that were achieved during phase 2. The discussion also touched upon the experiences and knowledge gained through the Interreg program during this period of time.

The previous day, the consortium met at the University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings of Prague to discuss how each partner tackled phase 2 and the challenges they faced. The technical visit to the university’s facilities allowed attendees to see firsthand the different departments of research that are contributing to the development of renewable energy technologies. It demonstrated the critical role that universities and research institutions play in advancing sustainable development and supporting the adoption of renewable energy solutions in the industrial sector. This and all other exchange of experiences in the project during regional, national and interregional events, study visits and expert missions helped partners and their stakeholder to learn different regions practices and helps to make industry sector greener. All regions compiled action plans to aiming increase the energy independency of the EU industry sector, by decreasing its energy intensity through a higher integration of RES. All materials including best practices identified are shown on project homepage.

The RESINDUSTRY project’s success underscores the importance of promoting renewable energy in industrial settings. Project’s achievements are evidence of the power of collaborative efforts and highlight the significant value of research and development initiatives that focus on renewable energy solutions in the industrial sector. By continuing to support these types of initiatives, Europe can continue to lead the way in the transition toward a more sustainable future.