BDS organized the third training on the topic “Public speaking and Communication with media and politicians” on 7th of March, 2018 in restaurant “Gracija” of the Municipality of Kumanovo (Center of NorthEast Planning region). The number of Participants was 36 (Mayors, employees in the Center of NorthEast Planning region and the municipalities; members of the NGOs and Business sector)
The training on “Public Speaking and Communication with Media and Politicians” was held for identifying, planning and establishing communication in the process of energy transition.
We, as a consortium of the PANEL 2050 project and founders of CEESEN / Sustainable Energy Network in Central and Eastern Europe, believe that the key to sustainable living is in the hands of members of our local communities.
Our motto is: Become part of the low carbon community in Central and Eastern Europe!

For more informations , trainings report and study materials please look into the right side of document manue