“Green hydrogen from RES in Poland” – the report is the beginning of a discussion on the use of renewable energy sources for the production of hydrogen. For this purpose, a report was prepared by the Polish Wind Energy Association and the Silesian Institute of Energy Studies. It is the first comprehensive study that deals with the subject of green hydrogen. It shows the current state of the hydrogen market and the prospects for its development in the future.

According to the report, the annual demand for hydrogen in Poland in 2040 will be more than 100 TWh. However, plans for the development of renewable sources nowadays do not offer a chance to meet the future supply. It is necessary to eliminate barriers and to facilitate development of renewable energy sources, especially wind energy, which will be the basis for the functioning of the hydrogen economy. The implementation of these aims requires over 60GW of RES generation in 2040.
Poland is currently the third producer of hydrogen in the European Union and the fifth in the world. Thanks to hydrogen, it will be possible to reduce the emission intensity of the Polish economy, increase its competitiveness and it will be possible to build own competences in the field of hydrogen technologies.

Achieving climate neutrality requires the use of hydrogen technology on a large scale. According to the Polish Hydrogen Strategy by 2040 hydrogen will become one of the key energy sources and 2 GW of the installation capacity for hydrogen production from low-emission sources
is expected. To achieve that, access to the appropriate capacity installed in renewable energy sources should be ensured. On the other hand, renewable hydrogen will support the further development of renewable energy, enabling the storage of surplus energy and their subsequent use both in the energy sector and other sectors of the economy. The infrastructure for supplying hydrogen to end users will also be developed and a mechanism to support the production of hydrogen from low-emission sources will be created. Its use in energy, heating, transport and industry will increase. It is also planned that by 2030 there will be 800-1000 hydrogen buses produced in Poland.