In order to raise awareness on the need of joint action of local and regional governments on energy and climate issues and to encourage the membership of a large number of organizations and persons from Medjimurje county (county located in northernmost part of Croatia) in the CEESEN network, Medjimurje Energy Agency Ltd. participated on 4th October 2023 in the 8th session of the collegium of mayors and municipality heads in Medjimurje county.
The event was recognized as a good opportunity to directly invite the regional government, local governments located in Medjimurje county and their representatives to engage within the network and to acquaint them with the benefits of the membership. As part of the event agenda, the experts from MENEA presented the CEESEN network and invited all present mayors, municipality heads and their deputies and other representatives of local and regional governments in Medjimurje county to join the network.
Medjimurje county has been recognized as a sustainable county that has been investing a lot in energy renovation of buildings and encouraging the investments in renewable energy in public and private sectors for several years now. As regional authority, Medjimurje County also provides support to local governments in preparing and implementing their local energy and climate initiatives so hopefully the County and other local governments will recognize how membership in this or similar networks will help them to connect with other experienced local and regional governments and to initiate and implement quality mitigation and adaptation measures in their local contexts.