The term electrofuels (E-fuels) indicates any medium or technology capable to convert the electrical power, produced through renewable resources, to a gaseous or liquid form of energy. European Commission defined these elements also as non-biological, but renewable, transport fuels thanks to their composition (principally carbon and hydrogen). Various are the possibilities for the realization of these new fuels: electrolysis is one of them, capable to convert the electrical power into hydrogen; then this product could be used directly or lied to others elements to obtain new fuels; which in any case, without depending on the composition, can be considered carbon neutral (eg. methanol and ammonia).

Thanks to their composition and characteristics E-fuels can assume the functionality of energy carriers or be used as a feedstock; this double functionality makes this group of fuels the first choice in the improvement of energy systems. The potential has been tested but, because of the cost of these renewable energy fuels, and a still developing phase of the market, their adaptation in an industrial scale requires time, as any new other technology or product.

The utilization of electrofuels is connected to many advantages; the first is represented by the possibility of using the existing infrastructure and transport vehicles, avoiding the necessity of a rapid change in the distribution network (as requested from other resources, for example hydrogen); other pillar is the reduction of CO2 emissions that these fuels could provide. Another point in favor is represented by the possibility of moving the fuels and transform them in different forms without great losses, this makes them excellent to ensure energy security, especially in case of lack of existing energy sources or during blackouts phases thanks to their storability and ease of transportation.

Thanks to the above mentioned characteristics and peculiarities, the application of E-fuels could give its contribution in the complex transition towards a sustainable utilization of energy resources, with shorter times than other renewable energy forms.
