The European Commission has presented a long-term vision for reaching zero net emissions in 2050. The European Union is to be “climate neutral” – with minimal emissions that threaten the climate and technologies that capture carbon dioxide. Transformation is to proceed in a cost-effective way and be socially just. It is not only about giving up coal, but also about saving energy, replacing oil and gas, passive housing, changing consumption habits.
As indicated in the document ‘Clean Planet for All – European long-term strategic vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate-neutral economy’, current economic policy does not give a chance for climate neutrality in the middle of the century. The 2030 targets for green energy (32%) and energy efficiency (32.5%) determined by the EU should lead in practice to a reduction of 45% in CO2 emissions. (although the EU target is 40%). In the long run it is not enough.
The most important points: First – by 2050, the European energy system is to be decarbonised. Already, more than half of electricity in the EU is zero-emission. In the middle of the century, 80 percent. electricity will come from renewable sources, will be supported by nuclear power plants (about 15 per cent). At the same time, the share of electricity in consumption will at least double, as sectors such as housing or transport will be electrified.
Secondly, great emphasis was placed on energy efficiency. The construction and services sector now corresponds to around 40 percent. energy consumption in the EU. By 2050, the savings should be half.
Transport, accounting for a quarter of EU CO2 emissions, according to the strategy is to switch to electricity, hydrogen, and synthetic fuels. This will require the development of a railway network and a much more efficient, organization-based, transport system organization based on digitization. However, it will be the most difficult to change the behavior of travelers.
