The main goal of the CEESEU-DIGIT project, launched in December 2022, is the preparation of a new type of regional energy and climate plans (ECAP) in six Central and Eastern European target areas, which will be realized as a continuation of the CEESEU project, relying on the previously established collaborations. In addition to the mitigation measures, the documents prepared based on the new methodology, with the active cooperation of WWF Hungary, also try to place great emphasis on adaptation and landscape-level planning compared to the existing energy and climate plans. In addition to the climate protection goals, the project also pays special attention to vulnerable social groups and those affected by energy poverty.
Main goals of the project:
- Capacity development for the preparation of new, regional-level energy and climate plans (ECAPs) in the six designated carbon-intensive target areas, as well as the creation of a methodology whereby climate adaptation, social and landscape use aspects are equally valid in these documents in addition to mitigation measures
- Preparation of these documents in coordination with the goals set in the National Energy and Climate Plans at the national level, with particular regard to vulnerable social groups and energy poverty, as well as the social aspects of climate sensitivity
- Support municipalities in the target regions so that local documents are later prepared in accordance with the new regional climate strategies and local governments are able to implement their contents - grouping of individual local governments into energy regions to make the knowledge sharing and tasks at the local level more effective, as well as satisfaction of financing needs
- Promoting a just energy transition - searching for, collecting and sharing good practices
- Dissemination, information and knowledge sharing between partner organizations, as well as helping each other to achieve climate goals
Main activities:
The main activities include the development of a new type of uniform, holistic, cross-sector energy and climate plans, as well as the creation of an international dialogue on the topic in parallel. An important part of the methodological preparation of the documents is the collection of good practices of the just energy transition so far, an overview of the political aspects in the countries involved in the project, and the preparation of training materials for public and political involvement.
Another important task is the financing of fair energy planning and decarbonization efforts, the establishment of financial sustainability: part of this is the preparation of a financial strategy and the review of innovative and novel financing options.
The common task throughout the entire duration of the project is the knowledge sharing between the partners on the one hand, and the provision of information to the public on the other.
Project coordinator:
University of Tartu (UTARTU)
Partner organizations:
Climate Alliance,
ENVIROS Czech Republic,
Local Energy Agency Spodnje Podravje (LEASP),
Mazovian Energy Agency (MAE),
Medjimurje Energy Agency (MENEA),
Society for Sustainable Development Design (DOOR),
Tartu Regional Energy Agency (TREA)
Vidzeme Planning Region (VPR),
WWF Hungary
Associated partners:
Gulbene District Council, Latvia
Association of Ida-Viru municipalities, Estonia
December 2022 – November 2024 (24 months)
EUR 1.84 million, of which the amount of EU support is EUR 1.75 million (95% support intensity)
Project acronym:

The CEESEU-DIGIT project has received funding from the European Union’s Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE 2014-2020) under grant agreement n° LIFE 101077297.