“Energy Efficiency Finance Market Place” – 18-19 January 2017, Brussels

On the 18 and 19 January 2017, EASME(The Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) is organising in Brussels a major event on energy efficiency finance. This event will showcase best practice examples regarding the private financing of energy efficiency projects and programmes, and will provide networking opportunities for participants from different areas (finance and insurance sector, energy service companies, consultants, public sector). In particular, EASME wants to create an “energy efficiency finance market place” where financing institutions can present their relevant products and discuss with project developers on financing opportunities and strategic partnerships.

Accelerated investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy is key to meet the European Union’s energy and climate targets for 2030 and has significant benefits for European citizens and companies in terms of jobs and sustainable growth, lower energy bills, health and security of energy supply. Energy efficiency is also a major business opportunity which is not yet fully exploited.

The event will bring together key stakeholders from cities, regions and industry as well as the financial sector to discuss successful schemes implemented at local and regional level, financing mechanisms and products available, and practical challenges to implement them on a large scale. A special focus will be on structuring the market and, in particular, standardisation, aggregation and de-risking of energy efficiency assets.


The conference is the third in a series of successfull events during the last years and will feature:

  •  Plenary sessions by high-level political representatives on finance for sustainable energy;
  •  Panel sessions by financial institutions on practical experiences and project bankability;
  •  Parallel sessions on practical solutions and projects implemented across Europe in four thematic tracks:
    – Standardisation and benchmarking;
    – Innovative financing solutions;
    – Aggregating projects on public assets;
    – Aggregating projects on private assets;
  • Poster sessions of sustainable energy projects with divers technical and financial structures; as well as
  • Stands of financial institutions.

Organisations with experience in sustainable energy financing, including energy efficiency are encouraged to express their interest until 07/12/2016 on https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/ee-financing-market-place-2017