Socially Efficient Solutions to Meet Climate Policy Ambitions

In this session, we will:

    • Optimised Measurement, Monitoring, and Identification: National Scale – Statistical Data, Local Scale – Administrative Data, keep Surveys for Experiments
      • Based on statistical data: combine multiple indicators to create a single, Multidimensional Energy Poverty Index
        1.5 milion (11%) households in energy poverty in Poland in 2021
      • Based on administrative data: combine multiple indicators to have indentification of energy-poor households and prioritise support
      • Based on administrative data in Warsaw on incomes, heating sources and buildings we map areas where interventions bring the most social and environmental benefits
      • Use surveys to run experiments. From the respondents’ choices you can learn what is their preferred policy solution for ETS 2 and Social Climate Fund
      • Based on survey experiments, look for socially efficient solutions: run experiments to learn the preferences of people in need of support
      • We know an optimum amount of money and preferred support form to lower the aversion to carbon tax crucial information for planning ETS 2 and Social Climate Fund redistribution

Our Speaker

Jakub Sokolowski | Economoist


Full Conference

Youtube playlist

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Categories: Presentation
Tags: energy poverty, Jakub Sokolowski, CEESEN Partnership Conference