The aim of CEESEN (The Central and Eastern European Sustainable Energy Network) is to increase communication, cooperation and interaction between local public administrators,stakeholders and policy makers at multiple levels and in multiple directions. CEESEN is a great low-carbon economy knowledge base, a voice for the region at the EU level and a platform for connecting together public administrators, policy makers and other key actors working for low-carbon economies in the CEE.
CEESEN partners devotedly work together to build up the CEESEN network, to enable increased communication and collaboration between CEE sustainable energy actors throughout the region.

The main goal of CEESEN-BENDER is to empower and support vulnerable homeowners and renters living in Soviet-era multiapartment buildings in 5 CEE countries: Croatia, Slovenia, Estonia, Poland, and Romania. The project will help them through the renovation process by identifying the main obstacles and creating trustworthy support services that include homeowners, their associations, and building managers.
The objective of the project is to prepare a new type of regional energy and climate plans (ECAP) in six Central and Eastern European target areas. In addition to the mitigation measures, the documents prepared based on a new methodology, which also try to place great emphasis on adaptation and landscape-level planning. In addition to the climate protection goals, the project also pays special attention to vulnerable social groups and those affected by energy poverty.
The main goal of the CEESEU project is to build the capacity of public administrators in Central and Eastern Europe to develop Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs) that promote increased energy efficiency, sustainable energy, reduced carbon emissions and improved climate change adaptability, helping the region to contribute towards meeting the EU’s climate goals.
The aim of PANEL 2050 project was to create durable and replicable sustainable energy networks at local level, where relevant stakeholders collaborate for the creation of a energy visions, strategies and action plans for the transition towards low carbon communities in 2050. The focus was on CEE countries, where this type of networks at local level was almost completely absent.
Name of the EU project: CEESEU
Name of the founded organisation and the main actor of the website: CEESEN (Central and Eastern European Sustainable Energy Network)
About the CEESEU project
The main goal of the CEESEU project is to build the capacity of public administrators in Central and Eastern Europe to develop Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs) that promote increased energy efficiency, sustainable energy, reduced carbon emissions and improved climate change adaptability, helping the region to contribute towards meeting the EU’s climate goals.
CEE municipalities have lagged behind their Western European counterparts in developing SECAPs due to a number of reasons such as a lack of awareness and interest in the planning process, lack of expertise, capacity and access to resources as well as the need for outreach strategies or procedural changes by EU level actors, such as the Covenant of Mayors (CoM), that will better address the unique circumstances of the CEE. To address these concerns, the CEESEU project will:
Create training materials and train local public administrators in the CEE on developing and implementing SECAPs, taking into account the specific contexts of CEE communities;
Guide CEE municipalities in engaging with stakeholders and carrying out multi-level governance to develop SECAPs;
Guide CEE municipalities in financing and implementing SECAP actions;
Improve engagement between public administrators in the CEE and with the EU;
Offer guidance to the CoM and other EU actors on how to better reach and serve the needs of CEE municipalities in the development and implementation of SECAPs.
As a result of the CEESEU project, several important longer-term impacts will be achieved:
650 GWh of energy savings by the end of the project;
Improved capacity and skills of at least 645 public administrators in CEE municipalities;
Better alignment of national and regional development plans with SECAPs in the CEESEU countries and improved national and regional sustainable energy and energy efficiency policies;
At least 25 min Euros of sustainable energy and climate change adaptation investments.
An important output of the PANEL2050 project was the formation of the Central and Eastern European Sustainable Energy Network (CEESEN) to spread project results and knowledge throughout the region. We shall also look to continue development of CEESEN to build more connections between actors working in the region.
CEESEN was first created under the PANEL 2050 project which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 696173. Later, CEESEN became an NGO under the CEESEU project, which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 892270. Disclaimer: The sole responsibility for the content of this material lies with the authors. It does not necessarily represent the views of the European Union, and neither EASME nor the European Commission are responsible for any use of this material.